Standard Service Menus


The Standardized Service Menus are supported across Precor cardio product lines designed to allow servicers and clubs to manage, configure/setup, and maintain/test the equipment: The service menus are grouped into functional service categories depending on the console type as follows:

LED Consoles
(P10, P30, P30i and P31)
Touchscreen Consoles
(P62, P80, and P82)
  • Hardware Validation (51765761)
  • Club Settings (5651565)
  • Information Display (65)
  • Service Menus (51765761)
  • Club Settings (5651565)

On LED consoles, there are three service menus grouped by function; the Hardware Validation menu provides a set of automated diagnostic tests used to troubleshoot, calibrate, and verify machine operation, the Club Settings menu is used to configure the equipment workout settings, and the Information Display menu provides information about the equipment hardware, software, usage, and error log data.

On touchscreen consoles, there are two service menus; one intended for service technicians (the Service menu) and one intended for club operators (Club Settings menu). The Service Settings menu provides access to all available equipment service menus used by service technicians to service and maintain the equipment. The Club Settings menu is a subset of service menus directed toward club operation used by club operators to manage, configure, and maintain the equipment.

Each service menu is assigned a unique service access code. To access a service menu, type in the access code at the service menu login, see Standard Service Menus.

Service Access Codes

How to Access the Service Menus

Navigating the Service Menus

LED Console Standard Service Menus

Standard service menus for LED consoles (P10, P30, P30i and P31).

Touchscreen Console Standard Service Menus

Standard service menus for Touchscreen consoles (P62, P80, and P82).



Contact Precor Customer Support (Ph 800.786.8404) with any questions.

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