
This document contains information required to install and assembly the Queenax PF325 2D Wall Solution storage unit. Follow the assembly instructions in the order given to correctly and efficiently assemble and install the unit.

If you are not a Precor Queenax certified servicer, you must not attempt to install and assemble this Precor product. Call your dealer for information.

WARNING: Only Precor Queenax certified service providers and technicians are authorized to assemble and install this product. Many parts are large and heavy requiring multiple technicians and specialized lift equipment to assembly. Personal injury or equipment damage can occur during installation and during use if improperly assembled and installed.

Additional Documentation

There is also a PDF version of the install assembly guide available for download, go to Edition Information.

Contact Information

Contact Precor Queenax installation coordinator or e-mail at with any issues prior to or during installation.



See Also

General Information

Getting Started

Assembly and Installation

Floor Anchoring Requirements


Contact Precor Customer Support (Ph 800.786.8404) with any questions.

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